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A one night only concert celebrating the biggest musical theatre songs
Photographer: Danny Kaan
Date: December 6th 2020
Location: Apollo Theatre London
Performers: Alice Fearn, Trevor Dion Nicholas, Kelly Agbowu, Laura Baldwin, Pearce Barron, Luke Bayer, Courtney Bowman, Lauren Byrne, Mary Jean Caldwell, Lloyd Daniels, Nicole Raquel Dennis, Tom Duern, Chris Howell, Idriss Kargbo, Caroline Kay, Josie Kemp, Renee Lamb, Michael Mather, Rhianne-Louise McCaulsky, Grace Mouat, Billy Nevers, Eve Norris, Oliver Ormson, Maiya Quansah-Breed, Alan Richadson, Lauren Soley, Markus Sodergren, Danielle Steers, Rodney Vubya and Karen Wilkinson
Producers: Centre Stage Productions

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